Imagine doing that job in Seoul traffic in the 1970s...
Currently [sic] there are 36 trains with four cars each. The express train comes every 20 minutes and the all-stop train comes every 6.7 minutes. Due to the number of riders exceeding 250,000 per day, 12 additional four car trains have been ordered and are expected to be in service starting October, 2011. This would mean the express train comes every 7~10 minutes and the all-stop train comes every 5 minutes.This Munhwa Ilbo article is listed as a source, which makes clear that, when the 12 new trains are put into service in October, there will be 36 trains in total, meaning there must be 24 trains at the moment (most likely 8 express and 16 all-stop trains). It also notes that the new trains would arrive in July 2011, 16 months after the order was placed for them (ie March 2010). I imagine they've arrived early, and that the train above is one of them.
Korea's International Image Faces Abuse in CyberspaceAETACK = KKK. Thanks Korea Times. Too bad a little bit of sugar wasn't used to make the "shared desire to improve the working conditions of ESL teachers in Korea" aspect go down better. Obviously their tone guaranteed a 'circle the wagons' response, not that it takes much to get that, wherever one is. And obviously no one took their complaints about Microsoft further than an 'outcry'...
Korea's international image has recently faced abuse on the Internet and in computer games sold in the U.S. A group calling themselves the American English Teachers Attacking Corrupt Koreans (AETACK) have sent random inflammatory anti-Korean electronic mail to subscribers on the Internet.
In one poison missive sent to members of America On Line entitled"No Visa Waiver For Korea," the message said "(We) feel that Korea does not deserve this privilege because of its behavior toward us and other foreign workers," adding that "the Korean economy is sinking into debt oblivion so they don't have much money to spend...there is also the threat of opening the door to Korean Mafia-style criminals who are acknowledged to be a problem by the FBI."
The group, apparently based in Korea, has become also the center of controversy for anonymously posting similar messages on opinion boards on the Internet.
One letter on the site of a local English newspaper said, "Some members may take other views. The common thread that holds this loose knit organization together is our shared desire to improve the working conditions of ESL teachers in Korea."
In another posting, Jeffrey M. Whitbread of Puchon, Kyonggi-do wrote in reply, "(AETACK is) using this as an excuse to bash Korea and make derogatory statements about Koreans, nothing more."
Another unidentified Korean-American also added, "(AETACK) crosses any lines, race or sex, and has a kinship with the Ku Klux Klan, skinheads... (those) who feel they have a legitimate cause but who are on the order of magnitude worse than whatever evils they are trying to eradicate."
The giant software company, Microsoft, was also recently condemned for creating and selling a computer game which depicts Koreans as a primitive race who go about without any clothing and live in makeshift homes made of coconut leaves.
Kim Chae-min, head of Microsoft Korea, asked for greater tolerance of the Korean public since it was a game and not any form of historical documentation.
Microsoft had earlier caused a public outcry in Korea for identifying the island of Tok-do, off the east coast, as Japanese territory on one of its CD-ROM products.
Superstar Bruce Willis and his band "The Accelerators" will perform at the U.S. Army Base in Seoul, Korea for 3,000 American troops on Thursday, May 26. The performance, a special request from the U.S.O., will be part of an effort to boost moral for the troops in Korea. Willis will make a private visit to American and South Korean soldiers in Korea's demilitarized zone.A photo of Willis hanging out with Park Jung-hun during this visit is here. I'm not sure when the restaurant opened, exactly, but almost exactly a year later Willis returned with Jean-Claude Van Damme, Don Johnson and Cindy Crawford.
Willis is in Korea to break ground for Planet Hollywood Seoul, which will be opening at the end of the year. After Seoul, Willis is on route to Hong Kong for the Grand Opening of Planet Hollywood Hong Kong, which will be the first Planet Hollywood in Asia.
I wasn't surprised to hear that it later went out of business. It was so far from anything, that you couldn't even say it was close to nothing.I'm not really sure where it was, but you can apparently buy paraphernalia from it like shot glasses online. Obviously, there is a reason for a post about Hollywood stars (something I care little about) visiting Seoul, namely this May 26, 1995 Stars and Stripes piece about Willis and Johnson's visit:
Stars pay visit to DMZ, troops"I really like freedom." "Just gimme a reason." What would we do without celebrities to guide us with their wise words? And why didn't Willis follow up on this with a movie in which he single-handedly reunifies Korea?
CAMP BONIFAS — Movie actors Bruce Willis and Don Johnson this week visited the U.N. truce village of Panmunjom and American troops stationed nearby.
U.S. Army helicopters brought the two stars and an entourage of about 40 people to camp. They were taken on a tour of nearby Panmunjom which straddles the Korean War ceasefire line just north of Bonifas.
"It gives me an odd feeling standing here," Johnson said, "because I really like freedom."
As a solemn-faced North Korean guard outside leaned close to a window to peer at the crowd inside the building, Willis struck a tough-guy pose, balled fists at his sides, and quipped, "Gimme a reason. Just gimme a reason."
Back at Bonifas, they posed for scores of photos with the troops. Then, as a crowd of about 200 security force soldiers enjoyed music of Willis' rock'n'roll band, Johnson, in an interview, called the DMZ visit "one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life."
Please use buses: Women who worked as bus conductors in the 1970s wave to passengers in their old uniforms at a bus stop in central Seoul, during an event organized by Seoul City to promote the use of public transportation, Wednesday.They seem quite cheerful, which stands in contrast to the description of their job found on this page about extinct jobs:
In the 1960s, the major means of transportation was by bus. The buses of those days had only one hand-operated door in the middle, while the bus of today has two automatic doors for entrance and exit. Therefore, people back then got on and off through the same door.
The conductress system was introduced in 1961. The average age of conductress was only 17 and most of them were country girls who came to the city to earn money to support their families. Bus conductress collected bus fares, and pushed passengers into the bus, and dragged passengers trying to get off the bus. In particular, when a bus was jam-packed during rush hour, conductress had to be as strong as Hercules in order to push the passengers on. They also opened and shut the door and called "Oraii!!" to the bus driver striking the bus as soon as all the passengers had got on. If the bus was too crowded, it used to run on with the door open. Sometimes, this caused unexpected accidents. Bus conductress used to fall off from the bus and get injured, or even die in the worst cases.
The conductresses were superwomen. They worked from 4 a.m. to 12 p.m. They had no break time, because they had to clean the bus and run trivial errands for the driver. Bus companies provided them with room and board, but it was terrible. Their lodgings were really narrow and had no proper shower stall. An avalanche of protests was heard after a bus company frisked conductresses on suspicion of their stealing money. The number of applicants decreased in the beginning of the 1980s, and the shortage in conductresses became worse. Finally, the automatic bus was introduced in 1985. Passengers no longer paid the bus fare to the conductress and put the fare in the fare box. In 1989, conductress finally faded into the mist of history.
Government officials are attempting to prevent the revealing styles of teenage pop idols as they warn against the media’s portrayal of young women as sex objects.Well, announcing a guideline ought to put a stop to all of this. Now entertainment companies won't have their teen stars wear skirts so short they show off their underwear, and the media will stop portraying "young women as sex objects."
The Fair Trade Commission (FTC) Friday announced a new guideline for standard contract terms between production companies and artists, which include preventing underage singers from dressing in excessively sexual clothing. Management shouldn’t deprive the boys and girls in showbiz from their educational opportunities either, the FTC said, and needs to protect them from long working hours.
"I’ve always been seen with a cute and youthful image but now I want to show a transformed me."Mission accomplished. One wonders if that's something she wants - or if its more her management's idea. At any rate, being cute and known for your 's-line' will probably ultimately mean more advertising contracts. As for the performance, the training video shows some ho-hum 'sexy' dancing, but I'm more impressed by the 'human windmill' thing she does at 0:55.
Memorize 520 words without teaching how to read?The article goes on (and on) to complain about the textbook, but I'll stop there.
[Curriculum full of holes, Part 2] How to evaluate, when public English education involves only memorizing words?
In February, new textbooks were handed out to fifth grade children, and the 6th grade English textbooks had arrived. The children who received the books were angry.
"Are we university students? Why is this book so thick?"
As it is a subject that is already burdensome, adding a book that was thicker and heavier than the book they used last year made them instantly angry.
"The teacher said that in 6th grade English classes will increase to three hours a week. So during vacation we should give up our time to properly review the things we learned in grade five in order to be able to follow the 6th grade material."
The book is also very thick and feels like a university textbook. The lessons take up 200 pages, but with the supplementary material it is almost 600 pages. Now it's thick and there are complaints, but from March when classes start, the amount of English being studied, as well as the time, will increase, and because of this, how much worry will be caused?
▲ This year's 5th and 6th grade government designated English textbooks. Class time will increase to three hours per week and the textbook, with class material added to the end of the book, is much heavier and thicker than previous books. This year the textbook will be used for one year, and next year will see a switch to screened textbooks.
This year English study will increase from two to three hours per week for grades 5 and 6. The Lee Myung-bak government has strengthened public English education in order to reduce private education costs and improve English skills, and for this reason, in 2008 English classes were increased by one hour per week for elementary school students in grades 3-6.
For this reason, in many elementary schools across the country, the number of class hours has increased, and even in elementary schools 7 class period-days have made an appearance. (Because they are studying English?). This year in the case of grade 6, there is criticism that there has only been an increase in the amount of class time and supplementary materials, and actual endemic problems with English education cannot be completely solved.
With 102 hours lost, a mere 6 hours is a solution?
Since last year this year's grade six students have studied the 7th curriculum, but this year, learning English has led to a loss of 102 hours of study time from the 2008 revised curriculum. Children in grades 3, 4, and 5 had studied English for 1, 1, and 2 hours per week respectively (or 136 hours over 34 weeks), but this year the curriculum mandates that English be taught for 2, 2, and 3 hours per week each (238 hours). Therefore, if the 6th grade textbook cannot be learned correctly, extra, remedial study will be needed.
To remedy the 6th grade students' loss of studying, the education ministry has made 6 hours of review material. Teachers have also been sent promotional material. But how can the loss of 102 hours be solved with only 6 hours? The contents are almost the same as the those from the 5th grade. In comparison to the new 5th grade textbook, reading and writing have been pieced together and slightly edited. In other words, the 5th grade's 16 chapters have been compressed into 6 hours.
[...] [A page of revision material is shown.]
But will this 6 hours of review really solve the study deficit of 6th grade children? Can the ministry of education's boast that by not receiving private education and through English class alone elementary school level speaking, reading and writing can be flawlessly completed? If this is possible, there would be no need for the Lee Myung-bak government to work so hard at increasing English class hours.
American English instructor arrested for PhiliponAs usual, we're told nothing about Mr. Kim other than that he's Korean American and an English instructor. Is he working as a native speaking instructor? They don't say. If I had to guess, I'd say the odds are he's not E-2, but as we all know, when a non E-2 foreign English instructor (whether hired an as a native speaking instructor or Korean instructor) is arrested for drugs, he or she is magically granted membership in the 'native speaking instructor' club. This seems to be another attempt to link foreign instructors with a drug stronger than marijuana, coming on the heels of presenting a Nigerian in Korea who worked in a factory and taught English at some point and who was meant to receive a shipment of meth as a "drug smuggling former English teacher." He too was admitted to the 'native speaking instructor' club, which I don't think had any meth smugglers prior to that point.
The International Crime Division of the Incheon Police announced on the 15th that 31 year-old American English instructor Mr. Kim was booked without detention for taking philopon at a motel he was staying at (in contravention of the Drug Control Law), and that police were in pursuit of 41 year-old Mr. Park, who took drugs with Mr. Kim.
According to police, Mr. Kim, a second generation Korean American, allegedly took methamphetamine (philopon) with Mr. Park at a motel in Incheon at 10:30pm on March 14.
The police investigation found that they diluted 0.05 grams of methamphetamine in water and injected it into a vein in their forearms.
Police revealed that, "It is estimated that there are a good many foreign instructors working in Korea who have not had their qualifications verified." "We are expanding an investigation against them for drugs and various crimes."
“Western technology, Eastern spirit,” a highly popular slogan in early twentieth century East Asia, reflected Asians’ desires to appropriate Western technology and science, even as they faced the encroaching forces of global imperialism. This practice was known as “defensive modernization”, where modernization meant defending Asians’ own nations from Western aggression. The ultimate goal was therefore national sovereignty and independence, not modernization per se. The current discussion of making English the second official language in Japan and South Korea can also be understood in this context—as a global language (or the language of the Internet), English is considered a crucial instrument to enhance Korean and Japanese national competitiveness in a global market. [...]So Shin argues (in an essay which also appears as a chapter in his book 'Ethnic Nationalism in Korea') that embracing globalization - something seemingly the opposite of nationalism - was in fact done to achieve nationalist goals - to survive in a world (perceived in social Darwinian terms) of "fierce borderless global competition". Seen in this way, the nationalist argument for English to replace Korean as the official language begins to make sense.
Korea’s globalization can be understood in a similar way. Under the name of segyehwa, the Kim Young Sam government attempted a top-down reform of the Korean political economy to meet the rapidly changing conditions of the world economy. In the Sydney Declaration of 17 November 1994, Kim formally announced his government’s drive for globalization and set up the Globalization Promotion Committee (segyehwa ch’ujin wiwônhoe), or GPC. The GPC was headed by the prime minister and consisted of a set of committees on policy planning, administrative reform, educational reform, and science and technology (see Gills and Gills 2000). Korea’s globalization drive was initiated by the state, and segyehwa was kept as a name for Korean way of globalization.
In laying out his policy of segyehwa, President Kim put it in a historical context. First he reflected on Korea’s modern history, comparing what Korea faces today to “the challenge of similar revolutionary changes at the turn of this [twentieth] century” (Kim 1996, p. 9). Yet with only “a vague awareness of the need to pursue modernization,” he contends, Korea failed to reform and subsequently became a Japanese colony. Since the 1960s, Korea has been remarkably successful in its efforts to modernize and industrialize, but is not well equipped to meet the new challenge of globalization. His segyehwa policy is thus necessary “if Korea is to survive and thrive in this age of increasingly fierce borderless global competition” (Kim 1996, p. 15).
“The Boxes of Death” opened in local theaters in 1955 but went missing like many of the works from the period following the Korean War (1950-53).One wonders if there would be Korean subtitles (if the script survived). According to KOFA's website, 'The Boxes of Death' plays Saturday June 5 at 1:00pm and June 9 at 2:00pm. The films he made for the U.S. Information Agency will screen June 9 at 4:30pm. (The English language schedule leaves the latter films out for some reason).
In 2009, Kim Han-sang, a visiting fellow at the Harvard-Yenching Institute, discovered a copy of the film at the National Archives and Records Administration in Maryland, and the Korean Film Archive spent 24 million won to create a 35-millimeter replica of the print.
The version revealed here is unfortunately incomplete, a silent film with a misplaced audio track. [...]
The Korean Film Archive is hosting a retrospective of Kim’s early works until June 19. Fans will be able to watch not only “The Boxes of Death” but also films he made for the U.S. Information Agency, including “I Am a Truck” (1954) and “Diary of Three Sailors” (undated). The latter is in English.