Interesting that it was noted that textbooks "lacked historical and theoretical depictions of democracy in Korea." There might have been a very good reason for that...
Respect For HostOn September 11, 1975, the Times published the following two letters - one which shared the sentiments of the above letter, and one which criticized such sentiments:
Dear Sir,
I am really disturbed by the recent series of articles written by Mr. John G. LaBella in which he is critical of Korean people. Mr. LaBella should remember that he is a guest in this country and must show more respect for his host. What right does a guest have to criticize his host in public?
Ma Tai-jin, Insa-dong, Seoul
Unlike many other bombing raids, the goal for this raid had not been a military installation but rather an entire city. The atomic bomb that exploded over Hiroshima killed civilian women and children in addition to soldiers. Hiroshima's population has been estimated at 350,000; approximately 70,000 died immediately from the explosion and another 70,000 died from radiation within five years.I imagine the writer would be shocked to learn 67 cities had already gotten the same treatment.
Nuclear radiation is an especially sensitive issue for Japanese following the country's worst human catastrophe -- the U.S. atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945.I'd tend to think that attacks on two cities - even atomic attacks - paled in comparison to the firebombing of 67 Japanese cities in the spring and summer of 1945. I was out with a Canadian and an American who were both nuclear refugees from Japan on Saturday night and the topic of how the firebombing of Japan had been pretty much forgotten in the west came up. My sister taught in Oita ten years ago and wondered if the city had been bombed during the war. I was never able to find out until I watched The Fog of War, which can be seen here. The firebombing of Japan is discussed for about 8 minutes starting around the 33:00 point. At one point it lists all of the cities bombed along with the percentage of the city destroyed (Oita's figure is 28.2%). Obviously having a lot of time on my hands, (predating this blog) I decided to make a map. It came up in discussion the other night, so I'd thought I'd post it - I just didn't expect the omission mentioned above to appear as I was doing so.
'Fake' native speaking instructors descending upon DaejeonThe first time I read the article it didn't make much sense, and re-reading it didn't improve things. A native Korean-speaker described it as "an article written by foot (발로쓴기사)," due to how sloppy, incorrect, and ungrammatical it is. It goes well beyond being poorly written, however, and into the realm of utter cluelessness. This 'reporter' has no idea what he's talking about, and seems to have scanned a few articles without reading them in order to give the appearance of substance to an otherwise weightless article.
After screening strengthened in capital area...
Unlicensed hagwons spreading
As screening of private hagwon native speaking instructors has been strengthened in the capital area (such as in Seoul and Gyeonggi-do), they are streaming into provincial cities such as Daejeon.
There is concern about the side effects of a good many of these hagwons, classes and private lessons which are operated as unregistered or illegal hagwons.
On the 7th, hagwons and parents of schoolchildren reported that recently some areas of Daejeon have seen the spread of hagwons set up as foreign language centers which claim to have second or third generation overseas Koreans or married native speaking couples from the US or Canada.
They run small scale-operations teaching from kindergarten to middle school with various English related educational activities such as authentic American curricula, graded English class progress, conversation-based question and answer classes, and short orientations for those preparing to study overseas currently in progress.
In particular, in areas like Seoul and Gyeonggi-do where well known hagwons are concentrated, there is concern that students and parents are victimized by PR made up of unconfirmed claims made about teaching in order to attract students.
Their form of management is similar to hagwons, but there are numerous instances where they are unregistered hagwons which have not been reported to the relevant education office.
For this reason, and to protect against the inflow of unfit native speaking conversation teachers, create a wholesome atmosphere for studying and of course to guarantee safe places of learning for youth, from the first of last month the Ministry of Justice began strengthening the screening of native speaking instructors.
It's [already] accepted that when native speaking instructors apply for alien registration, they submit an ‘employment physical exam’ issued by a medical institution designated by the Minister of Justice.
Therefore, after the screening was strengthened in the capital region, unfit native speaking instructors who had trouble earning money in some circumstances stretched out their legs and managed [private lessons] themselves in lax provincial areas.
Though screening for native speaking teachers working in places like hagwons has been strengthened, the dissatisfaction of hagwons is about to explode over the selection of teachers by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology or city and provincial education offices and the lax manner by which these public offices regulate the management of native speaking instructors.
While it's recognized that hagwon [instructors need] an employment physical exam issued by a medical institution designated by the Ministry of Justice, the selection of teachers under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology or city and provincial education offices, and native speakers working as foreign language conversation instructors in schools are exempted from medical institution [health checks].
A hagwon official said, "Already the government lashes out at hagwons as the main culprits for the ever rising private education costs, and with so many that are even unregistered and operating without permission, the market is very confused. There's concern that parents and students will suffer due to so many unverified, unfit native speaking instructors."
Jungdo Ilbo Reporter Lee Yeong-rok / In partnership with NoCut News
a Gangnam cram school, or hagwon, which has expanded into the burgeoning business of tutoring kids who want to win school elections.It's always interesting seeing what niches hagwons will rush to fill.
“Leaving a strong impression with your performance is more important than campaign pledges or self-introductions,” lectures his teacher, who is surnamed Yang. He shows Kim how to deliver the line in the manner of Hyun Bin for the election. The two have been practicing vocalization and gesticulations for a full month.
On the same day, a student council election is taking place at another elementary school in Gangnam, and seven candidates are in the ring.
“If I become a president, I’ll make sure there’s no violence on school grounds,” promises a female sixth-grader surnamed Uhm, who has a third-degree black belt in Taekwondo. Uhm holds up a wooden board with the word “violence” painted on it. She smashes the board with a karate chop. Uhm gets the second-highest number of votes, becoming vice president.
“Being elected as either president or vice president of the student council will help me get admitted to an international middle school,” said Uhm. “My hagwon taught me how to write a speech and worked with me on my pronunciation.”
The wave of prepubescent politicians is powered by fierce competition to get into international middle schools and special-purpose high schools, where admission offices pay a lot of attention to students’ extracurricular activities.
People appear to be indifferent at the Korea language being mercilessly smeared with foreign words. [...] The Korean language is nakedly exposed to the influx of foreign words amidst internationalization[.]- sound quite familiar. Korea, "nakedly exposed," is weak and helpless at the hands of things (and people) foreign, which treat Korea "mercilessly." This kind of language crops up at different times and from the pens of various groups, from state actors like Park Chung-hee (who in the mid-1970s banned long hair, 'decadent' foreign pop songs, and marijuana in order to protect the youth from "degenerate foreign culture" which threatened 'healthy' traditional culture) to opposition movements (like the anti-American feminist groups who called for the government to force all visitors to the 1988 Olympics to show that they were AIDS-free).
"It is shuddering to think what would become of the Korean language if such a trend is carried on for several decades down the road."
Troublemaking vagabond foreigner storyUnfortunately, it seems only a handful of Susa Banjang episodes have survived, and this (as well as the December 1983 episode where an American teacher was beaten to death in an alley) was not one of them.
The episode "Seoul Wind," which dealt with the vagabond foreigner problem and was abruptly canceled on the day of its broadcast on September 27 after pressure and complaints by the French Alliance, is coming out.
The French youth 'Pierre' enters the country on a tourist visa and uses fake documents to con his way into working as an instructor at a private school. One night he suffers an attack in an alley...
KBS regards it a core duty to reflect the diverse voices of Korea through the distinctiveness of its programs, while bringing the world home to its audience through speedy and impartial news reports.It may be worth keeping all of that in mind while watching and reading this KBS report from July 3, 2009 (found through a link on Anti-English Spectrum's site; the video of this 6 minute news report can be watched at the KBS link):
In today's environment of multi-faceted communication and media with a flood of information and sensationalized commercialism, KBS strives to fully satisfy the people's right to know and quality programming through honest and transparent management. By airing accurate and reliable news as well as high quality programs, KBS leads the way in setting the standard for Koreas journalism and broadcasting culture.
A public opinion poll conducted in 2002 showed KBS to be the most influential among the domestic press and electronic media circles. [...] The Korean people have come to trust in KBS to consistently deliver reliable and straightforward programs.[...]
KBS fully embraces the diversity as well as the cohesion of the various cultures of the world.
'Out of Control Foreign English Teacher' Molests [someone] while High during Lesson
The number of native speaking English instructors working in Korea is increasing, and so are their crimes.
At school they are sincere teachers, but outside class they constantly go off the rails. We have the story of their two faces.
Choi Seo-hui - have foreign instructors also been caught for habitual gambling and drugs?
Yes. Yesterday more than ten English instructors were uncovered. During the day they taught students and at night they lived lives stained by drugs and gambling.
Incidents in which students have been molested have also occurred one after the other. We've covered the truth about how some native speaking instructors go off the rails, making one uncomfortable about entrusting their child's education to them.
[Shot of web profile; under 'Most precious thing' is [untranslated], "Seeing the light glisten off the sweat on the curve of a woman's breast, thigh, back, butt, or almost anywhere on a woman's body."]
This was written on the internet by a foreign English instructor living in Korea. He said he came to Korea for money and the pleasure of women and boldly put up photos of himself.
An English instructor at a hagwon in Seoul who had been in the US army posted nude photos of women on the internet which he said were of his students.
It was revealed he posted nude photos he'd taken of his coworkers and racing models he'd picked up and even posted photos of his students. The deviation of native speaking instructors like this is becoming more serious by the day.
Yesterday in the Itaewon area police caught 13 foreign instructors for habitually smoking hashish (a kind of drug) and gambling.
It's come out that since January they've met 113 times to gamble and smoked hashish 100 times. Most of the suspects work in Seoul or Gyeonggi-do as public school teachers, with some working as instructors at well known English hagwons in Gangnam.
Kim Gi-yong (Detective, Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency Foreign Affairs): "The group was made up of language hagwon instructors, and at home they wagered millions of won habitually gambling and taking drugs. They currently maintain that they are completely innocent."
They put up the gambling time and place on a well known overseas website to recruit accomplices and avoid being caught.
Also, it was revealed that at an ordinary house in Itaewon, they went so far as to set up a poker table and habitually gambled. Every month, a picture of the winner and the amount they won was put on the wall of the gambling house and on the internet site.
We visited the English hagwon in Gangnam where a teacher who was caught works.
Hagwon official: "Our hagwon? This is the first we've heard of this. Please speak clearly. Who is this?"
The hagwon declared there was no such teacher.
We also visited the elementary school in Gyeonggi-do where another teacher worked as an English teacher for the after school program. At the school they were completely unaware of the same facts.
School official: "We confirmed this properly through the embassy and later the visa was issued but it was checked to see if crimes had been committed in New Zealand, and only people with no crimes were given permission to work by the embassy so we know that there was absolutely no problem.
When parents heard the news, they were also shocked.
Parent: Are you serious? That happened? How could it be - really? Your teacher is ____ [the teacher's name], isn't that right?
Child: "Today the English teacher was sick and didn't come to school."
Parent: "I went to an observation class but even then there was nothing that stood out, and it was fine."
However the reaction of people who have encountered native speaking instructors close up is that this kind of thing is nothing new.
English hagwon operator: "When socializing with the teacher, I've heard him talk freely about doing drugs many times. (Do they do drugs and come to class?) He looked spaced out and taught very simple, basic things, which is why I thought he was on drugs while teaching class."
There are also endless sex crimes by foreign instructors.
Recently there was an incident at a well known hagwon in Seoul where parents complained after two native speaking teachers molested female elementary students.
The 'Citizen’s movement to expel illegal foreign language teachers' cafe manager: "At the hagwon that received the complaint, the hagwon and the native speaking teachers said, "It was just a simple misunderstanding due to cultural differences and we did nothing wrong."
Also, in Seoul a native speaking teacher working for a district office-run foreign language program was charged for molesting a grade one elementary school student under his care last December, but last week was cleared for lack of evidence.
Crime by foreign instructors like these is never ending but the fact is that the number of native speaking instructors in Korea is continuously growing.
A parent: "Korean teachers have some limits. There are many cases where they do not know real life vocabulary. This is because they simply learn language in a technical sense, without an appreciation for the connection between language and culture."
Due to the perception that native speaking instructors are unconditionally better, even hagwon owners break rules and are trying as hard as they can to hire native speaking instructors.
English hagwon operator: "Our hagwon instructors said native speakers are 'decorations,' as the saying goes. Because of the strong preference for native speakers by the mothers and parents of students at most hagwons, most have native speakers."
However, in truth, background checks for these native speaking instructors are not being properly carried out.
The 'Citizen's movement to expel illegal foreign language teachers' cafe manager: "A foreign instructor responsible for sex related crimes against children and minors and assault against police in Canada was stripped of his teaching qualification there. This person is now in Korea working as an English instructor at a county office in Gyeongsangsnam-do and participating in a summer camp by teaching young students.
Native speaking instructors themselves say that the native speaking teacher qualification check should be strengthened.
Alex (23, American native speaking instructor): "There are a lot of people who are either not qualified or who, in a sense that they have no teaching experience only a bachelors degree or are not qualified in the sense that this is not something they enjoy doing. Not necessarily ESL but teaching English – teaching in general rather – is not something that they enjoy doing. They're here just sort of passing time."
[Translated as: "There are many cases where native speaking teachers have only a university diploma or are inexperienced. They have no interest in teaching, let alone English education. There are also people who just want to kill some time."]
Under the English education craze, an increasing number of native speaking instructors, who are treated like VIPs, act abnormally and without scruples, and there is an urgent need for strict qualification checks in order to prevent our children from being exposed to this.
By airing accurate and reliable news as well as high quality programs, KBS leads the way in setting the standard for Koreas journalism and broadcasting culture.If this report is considered "accurate and reliable," then one certainly hopes that KBS is not "setting the standard for Koreas journalism and broadcasting culture."
4,957, or about 7 percent, of South Korea's 77,697 full-time faculty members are foreign, the figure is up threefold in less than a decade, according to the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology. That already puts it well ahead of neighboring Japan's 5 percent (out of 353,000 full-time professors), despite a much longer history of foreign hires there.It also notes that "an Education Ministry survey of 288 foreign academics last year found [that foreign professors' stays] averaged just four months." Despite some negatives, the article notes that foreigners are very willing to come to Korea to work due to the job situation in their home countries. It also looks at another familiar topic:
One indication of South Korea's lingering fears about an influx of foreigners can be found at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology, where $100-million in government money has been spent developing robot English teachers. Prototypes of the robot are operated remotely from the Philippines, keeping the "moral problems" associated with non-Koreans at arm's length, says Mun Sang Kim, director of the institute's Advanced Robotics Research Center.While I and others have made this point before, I believe this is the first time I've seen someone connected with the robots actually openly state that the "moral problems" of foreign teachers is the reason for the robots (and here I thought it was to "reduce discrimination suffered by the underprivileged [...i]n rural areas or remote islands" by giving them access to 'foreign' English teachers). The government connection - as a source of funding - is also made clear. This shouldn't be surprising, especially considering Lee Myung-bak's cabinet and its concern about the 'cleanliness' of foreign teachers.
"There are some problems and some accidents in hiring native speakers at the schools right now," he says. "For example, the immigration system in Korea is not good enough to examine whether the foreign visitors are clean or not, or they did some crime," he adds. "That's the reason why the government thinks about such robot systems. They don't have any such social problems, they don't do the drugs."
South Korean curfew passes away, quietlyAs it turns out, however, the curfew was still in effect in coastal areas.
Thursday, January 7, 1982
By SSgt. Steve Davis
PS&S Korea Bureau Chief
SEOUL — South Korea's 36-year-old curfew passed away unceremoniously Tuesday night. Except along coastal regions and security-sensitive areas along the demilitarized zone, the nightly four-hour custom slipped quietly away with few mourners.
It passed simply and as suddenly as President Chun Doo Hwan's New Year's resolutions which promise a year of sweeping changes in South Korea.
Chun not only abolished the curfew declared by the U.S. military government on Sept. 8, 1945, in Seoul and the port city of Inchon, he followed that New Year's edict with a proposed liberalization on Jan. 2 of the hair and dress codes that gave South Korean secondary schools a military flair.
Then came a major Cabinet reshuffle on Sunday to add what a presidential spokesman termed "new vigor and vitality" to the fifth five year economic and social development plan which gets under way in South Korea this year. Six high level officials were replaced.
The presidential pronouncements took most South Koreans and foreigners by surprise.[...]
Some gates at Yongsan Army Installation in Seoul remained open as USFK personnel ventured out on the first official night without curfew. Col. Robert C. Lewis, the Yongsan Garrison and Area III commander, said the installation will comply with the ROK government directives on the curfew.[...]
He said he will make decisions on such matters as shuttle bus schedule and club operation changes after the community expresses their preferences.
Basically, he said, it's a wait-and-see situation.
Many off-post businesses were taking the same tack as Maj. Michael J. Amidei, the deputy area clubs general manager for Yongsan and Area III.
"We are evaluating now the potential impact on the club system and will follow the directives of the installation commander," Amidei said when asked about schedule changes.
Tom Casey, the owner of the Sportsman's Club in the popular Itaewon-Hannamdong club district near Yongsan, predicted a gradual adjustment to the curfew ease.
"I don't even know if anyone will even be here at 11:30," Casey said early in the evening. "Basically, I feel that most people have adapted to the curfew and that they will leave early."
Casey was right. Around 1 a.m. most of the district's clubs had closed. A few customers continued to dance at the Sportsman's Club. Other club owners said they expected more activity on the weekend, but none expected an immediate business boom.
Intracity bus and subway schedules were extended an extra 30 minutes for late homegoers and taxis continued throughout the night. Gas station hours were lengthened and flight schedules amended. Warnings went out to potential night prowlers, and the possibility of night tours in Seoul were contemplated.
At Kunsan AB, the curfew lift was not so simple. Though a base spokesman announced that "effective midnight tonight the curfew in Kunsan City is lifted," the air base, some ll/2 miles away, is in the coastal restricted zone.
The spokesman added: "We're talking about Kunsan City as determined by the Korea National Government," which exempted the city as one of 14 specially exempted from the remaining curfew of coastal areas.
"Areas around the base," the spokesman said, "still require clarification."
Easier lifestyle
According to some, the curfew lift entails the change to an easier lifestyle.
"I always got nervous around midnight," said Kim Shin Hea, a 28-year-old Seoul resident. "I'm glad it's over. It's fantastic."
Army Staff Sgt. Jim Coughlin, a 27-year-old infantryman from Everett, Wash., agreed. "I think it will cut down on tension," Coughlin said. "Police won't have to rush people off the streets now. It will just be a more relaxed atmosphere."
South Korea's 36-year-old curfew was quietly lifted at midnight Tuesday and, while some ventured out into the streets of Seoul (below) after midnight, a more typical scene was a lone pedestrian (above) strolling along an empty sidewalk. ' (AP)