(The film is notable for having a young Ahn Sung-gi play the son.)

The maid, however, is a little odd...

... and she proceeds to wreak havoc on the household.

To say more would ruin the fun, but it's an amazing film which never stops surprising you. Imagine a mix of the Harold Pinter/Joseph Losey collaboration The Servant and Takeshi Miike's Audition. Go watch it. Now.
Or soon, at any rate, before the remake is released. I just saw this, which reveals that The Housemaid will be remade starring Jeon Do-yeon and directed by Im Sang-soo (best known for The President's Last Bang and Good Lawyer's Wife). While part of me wonders why such a great film - so recently re-released on DVD - is being remade, the other part is intrigued by such a director - actress pairing and is looking forward to it. One hopes they'll find a part for Ahn Sung-gi. It's to start filming in December for a May release.
ㅋㅋ this is my frist time to see little 안성기.
I'll watch the original one if I can get the DVD.
I'm looking forward to seeing the remade one because the scenario writer of it is 김수현. She is more than just a writer. 임상수,김수현,전도현..I wonder how they will compromise on their movie.
Thanks for posting on this movie. This entire movie is viewable online! Check it out:
Also, "The House of Kim Ki-young" is indefensible for fans of this master. Sadly, the original website is dead, but the archive lives on:
Thanks for the heads up on this!
It's available online, but I strongly suggest getting the DVD ~ the restoration work they've done on the film is very impressive, and the picture quality (save a very few scenes that had deteriorated more than the others) is really fabulous. It's a very striking movie, and despite its age it still feels very fresh.
I could see the movie online yesterday. I enjoyed it. thanks for the link anonymous. good site!
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