In the film, she's generally not dressed up and never wears make-up (which is appealing to me, especially considering how it's almost taboo not to wear make-up in Korea, as a co-worker who decided not to after living in Ireland told me (her friends constantly pointed out the fact that she wasn't wearing any), and as a result, those who don't wear make-up tend to stand out more). Often she looks quite worn down.

Well, not always...

After a rocky start she eventually seems to become smitten with our hapless star, played by Song Kang-ho (who in the scene below rips some flowers up and hands them, as they hang in every which direction, to her).

Near the end, she secretly watches him through a crack in the door as he prepares for a wrestling match.

I've always liked how she shyly looks down...

...takes one last glance...

...closes the door...

...and then she's gone.
"and then she's gone..."
Nice capture.
I heard from someone today that she was worn to a shadow right before she died so her friends regreted seeing her with grief.
She was only in the middle thirties!
Despite living in South Korea when that movie came out, I never got around to seeing "Foul King." Maybe it's the wrestling connection that just made it seem unappealing, but after reading this, I thought I should head to the library and see if I can track it down.
very nice post your blog is highly interesting keep going
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