Above is a map of the immediate neighbourhood of Banghwa-dong where I lived (at top left). The yellow areas have been demolished and have mostly been built into new apartment blocks within the last four years. The red areas will be demolished in the near future. What's interesting is that in the photo below, taken in 1996 from Balsan Station (it's looking across the Magok-dong fields), the patch of low rise houses in the center of the photo have mostly been demolished in the last 13 years, or soon will be. The row houses in red at top right in the map above can be seen on the right below, in front of the apartments. In front of the row houses, next to the fields are greenhouses.

Behind the greenhouses (or to their left, below) is a neighbourhood I've ridden through before, but rarely went to because it's in the middle of nowhere, a small urban peninsula jutting out into the Magok-dong fields and hidden by the four-year-old apartment complex to its left.
It was past this neighbourhood that I rode on my way home from exploring Magongnaru Station, and I returned there July 1.

Some of the houses (but not many) were still inhabited.

I decided to take a closer look at the house on the right:

On the wall in the living room was some graffiti left by no fan of president Lee Myung-bak.

It seems the previous tenants moved out in May.

Continuing past this house, there were many other houses, some abandoned for a much longer time than others.

A former church:

A pair of newer villas rise above the other houses.

There was a nice view from the back window, and from the roof. Below are the fields that separate the neighbourhood from the rest of Banghwa-dong.

The apartments that replace this neighbourhood will likely have a nice view... at least until the fields are developed.