Kim Byeong-ji, 96 years-old, weeps in front of the tomb of her son, Choi Dong-sup, who was among those killed during the Students Uprising on April 19, 1960, at a national cemetery in Suyuri, Seoul, Sunday.This article adds that "Her son was killed by gunshot while taking to a hospital student activists [who were] injured..."
Some beautiful photos of the cemetery can be found here.

Photos of the ceremony commemorating the 49th anniversary can be found here and here, while this article has photos of the president visiting the cemetery early in the morning; in the first he's standing in front of Kim Ju-yeol's grave. His speech, which was read at the ceremony (which he didn't attend) spoke out against corruption. While I can't disagree with the sentiment, the anniversary of the 419 uprising seems an odd time to bring up such a topic, other than to gloat over the fact former president Roh is being investigated for corruption. Call me cynical, but I have a hard time believing Lee Myung-bak will be the first president to break out of the very established pattern of presidential corruption.
[Update: Michael Breen writes about the Roh investigation here.]
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