Friday, February 06, 2009

Take care

Remember, after you've had a few too many drinks, do be sure to watch your step on the subway platform. A gentleman at Gyesan Station in Incheon Wednesday night didn't, but was lucky that there were lots of sober (and courageous) people around, as can be seen in this video. He apparently is ok now.

Photo from here.

I couldn't help but remember how the main character in Barking Dogs Never Bite (The Host director Bong Joon-ho's first film) manages to find an opening for a teaching position at a university: The professor who held the position previously went out drinking one night and then, on his way home, leaned forward at the edge of the subway platform to throw up...

... and the next day his position was available. If you haven't seen it, it's a great black comedy.

Perhaps I should stick to more serious topics though, like middle school graduation.


Unknown said...

Ahh Gyesan, my old Incheon stomping grounds. Keep it classy Gyesan.

matt said...

Thought you'd like this...