Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The trophy thieves

Newsis reported on the 13th that two foreign English teachers working at a university, including a 28 year old Irish teacher, were booked without detention for stealing a soccer trophy from a bar in Itaewon on the 12th after they lost a game between members of a foreigners' league. They were apparently pissed off about losing the game, so they stole it, but were so drunk at the time they don't remember what they did with it. It's not very often you actually see English teacher theft stories reported, which makes sense, as according to these statistics, there have been at most three cases a year. Luckily, Newsis considers the theft of a 200,000 won trophy to be news.


holterbarbour said...

Why is this even an issue? I mean the guys were DRUNK AT THE TIME and DON'T RECALL ANYTHING. Surely they are not culpable!

baekgom84 said...

While it certainly wouldn't be beyond the Korean media to report this story simply because foreigners were involved, this story is amusing enough even without the involvement of foreigners. I wouldn't be surprised if this story got a write-up even if the perpetrators were Korean.

Anonymous said...

It's been a really slow last few months for ESL teacher scandals, so some newspapers are REALLY scraping the bottom of the barrel to come up with ANYTHING.