It seems his advice was taken. Maybe a little too much, as this video promoting the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific reveals, where they do actually mention AIDS for ten or fifteen seconds in what is otherwise an extended tourism advertisement.
My favorite part is that it is the Korea Federation for HIV/AIDS prevention. Emphasis on prevention, and instead missing the support aspect.
I read, "you have not lived by food alone" as, "tell us about more than Kimchi and Dduk."
Absolutely brilliant. Isn't this one of the best oportunities for a little demonstrating? I can't think of a more perfect stage to highlight Korea's prejudicial system of AIDS testing foreigners and falsifying AIDS statistics against foreign teachers than at the ICAAP at Bexco in Busan. OK, it's a way off yet, but if I'm still around, I would happily go and try to get some peaceful media attention. I'm not very good at organising things like this, but if anyone is interested in doing so, please let us all know.
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