
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Colouring time for native speakers!

Who knew that Liberation Day was a time for children adults to colour? From the Incheon Ilbo:
To commemorate the 68th anniversary of Liberation Day, on the 15th native speaking instructors from Incheon English Village took part in an event in Bucheon's Lake Park where citizens could draw the Korean flag.

Native speaking instructor representative Rico said, "By learning about the significance of the Korean flag, we can better understand Korea, and we are honoured to have taken part in this activity."
It must be nice, as a 'journalist,' to be able to just make up any quote you like. I would have been tempted to colour outside of the lines...


  1. More than 48 hours ago I sent 김칭우기자 an email in which I pasted Rico's quotation and asked, "리코 씨가 한국어나 영어로 이렇게 말을 했습니까?" I haven't received a reply.

  2. Yeah, I'd imagine you're not going to get one...


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