
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"A Stranger in Chongno," online

The entire text of Scott Burgeson's essay "A Stranger in Chongno," (originally published in his book 더 발칙한 한국학) about the mad cow protests of 2008 has been posted - in English - at his site. It's well worth reading, as he was on the ground for nearly all of the protests, and was initially supportive of the protesters - until their violence and hypocrisy made him critical of the movement.


  1. Sorry for an unrelated comment, but me and my wife will stay in Korea (mostly in Seoul, also in the Busan area) from mid-September to April/May. Why not drop me an e-mail (antti dot leppanen at gmail dot com) so we could get together soon.

  2. Great reading material, Matt. I sat here for a long, long time getting through all of it, but I'm glad I did. Thanks for posting the link!

  3. I'm glad Scott decided to put out an English version. A good read.

  4. That was good. Was my last straw with Korea, too. Scott expresses the emotions of that year very well.


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